Sunday, March 2, 2008

Vagrant thoughts inside...

vague (adj): Not clearly expressed, inexplicit, obscure. This comes from the L vagus 'wandering'.

The CEO was a bit vague about the specifics of the action plan, which he said would triple the firm's profits.

Difficult Cognates

(n): whim, caprice or an unpredictable or erratic action, instance, course etc.

This word comes from the “Latin” root “vagary” which means “to wander, or to roam”; it can be further traced back to “vagus” which means wandering.

The vagaries of the stock market make trading on it a risky business.

(By the way guys and gals, with regard to 'caprice,' do you remember the model by the name of“Caprice Bourret”. Create a mnemonic relating her whims with the word vagrant, but don’t forget it is her behavior that relates to the word and not her beauty. HAHAHA

If you want to read more about her follow this link:

vagrant (n): homeless wanderer. “Vagari” means “to wander”, that is to move aimlessly about from one place to another. Hence the meaning of this word. A person without a home has no choice but to wander from one place to another.

Everybody thought that the shabby stranger was a vagrant: none knew that he was their king in disguise.

vagrant (adj): stray, random.

He controlled his vagrant thoughts by practicing pranayama and yoga.

vagabond[/u] (n): wanderer, tramp. This is a synonym for vagrant meaning 'homeless wanderer'.

Sometimes he felt like running away and becoming a [u]vagabond, following nothing except his vagrant impulses.


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