Sunday, March 2, 2008

Immutable, mutability, transmute...

Well people do you remember a series of comics by the name “teenage mutant ninja turtles”? It was about 4 turtles fighting against evil; I think it was because of some chemical accident that these turtles mutate into giant anthropomorphic turtles [turtles that resemble humans - most animal cartoon characters are anthropomorphic]. Anyways today they are going to help us remember the aforementioned words. The word mutant comes from the Latin root “mutare”, which means to change.

Immutable (Adj): unchangeable.

This word can be split up into “im” which means “not”+ “mutare” means to change, which gives us "unchangeable" as the meaning.

Antonym: mutable

1) It has been found out that the nature favors change; nothing natural is immutable.

2) The night sky is not immutable, it just appears that way: the incredible speeds at which the stars are moving away from one another are imperceptible because of the vastness of the cosmos that they move in.

Mutability (N): ability to change form; fickleness
Mutability can be split up into “mutare” + “habilis” ( = able).

1) The mutability of the market creates both great risks and the possibility of great profit.

2) The mutability of loyalty in politics, means that those who are your friends today might be your enemies tomorrow.

Transmute (V): change; convert to something different

The root “trans” means “across, beyond, through” and “mutare” as we all know means “to change”. The word therefore conveys the idea of complete change, usually from a lowly state or condition to a better one. Thus the alchemists (the forerunners of modern chemist) in ancient days sought to transmute lead into gold.

Coming back to India after his master's, he was startled to see that the small, broken-down chai shop which had been his 'adda' had transmuted into into a glitzy shopping mall.

Some simple words to remember the root:

Commute (V): to travel, exchange.


He commuted each day to his office by a chartered aeroplane.

Mutual (Adj): shared by equally by two or more, common.


1) She was divorcing him because they no longer had any mutual understanding or affection.

2) Mutual funds allow people to invest money according to their ability into stocks that promise investors disproportionate returns.

Any TMNT fans like me? Then follow these links to read on


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