Sunday, March 2, 2008

Lucifer, lucid...

Lucid (adj): 1) easily understood, clear, intelligible.
2) Showing an ability to think clearly.
This word comes from the Latin root “Lucidus” which means “bright”.

Contextual example:
Because of the professors lucid explanation the abstruse theory of quantum physics started to seem a tad more manageable to the students.

Lucent (adj): shining.
The root “lucidus” is derived form Latin root “lucere” which means, “to shine”, which in turn is derived from the root “lux” which means light. So something that gives out light is lucent.

If you might remember the firm by the name “Lucent technologies” create a mnemonic relating this word to the firm.

Contextual example:
Her lucent countenance belied her melancholic disposition.

In simple words her shining face misrepresented her sad mood. J

Another common cognate of this word is translucent.

Translucent (adj): allowing light to pass through partially; semi transparent.
This word can be split as “trans” (as in transparent, transgression) which means “through “+ “lucere”. Thus something that allows light to pass through partially is translucent.

Contextual example:
The presence of dregs made the water translucent.

Lux (N): SI unit of illumination.

As we have seen the Latin root “lux” means “light”, as far as remembering this root goes I would suggest link it up with the soap brand Lux (Lux aur kya J Imagine that by using this soap your countenance will radiate light, and finally we engineers would be able to find a cheap alternative source of energy).

Pellucid (adj): transparent, limpid, easy to understand.

This word can be split up as “per” which means “through” (as in perambulate, perdition)+ lucere. So something through which lux (light) can pass completely is pellucid.

Contextual example:
Just by looking through the pellucid water one was able to plumb the depth of the lake.

Contextual example:
In his third novel the writer veered of from his pellucid style of writing.

Lucifer (N): the devil, the planet Venus when it rises in the morning, (archaic) a match.

This word can be split up as lux (light) + fer (bearing) thus the meaning develops as light bearing, morning star. “Morning star” is a roman astrological term for the planet Venus, which is the brightest object in the sky after sun and moon. It reaches its maximum brightness shortly before sunrise and shortly after sunset hence the name.

Now the meaning “devil” comes from an archangel by the name Lucifer who in heaven motivated by pride led a revolution against god. On failing he was cast out of heaven .He is associated with the Satan (a word related to shaitan) (the devil) because of this revolt.

If there are any “Rasmus” fans over here like me they might know the song “Lucifer’s angel”.

Elucidate (V): explain, enlighten

This word can be split up as “e” which means “out “+ “lucid”, thus to make something lucid, clear the thing out is to elucidate it.


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