Friday, February 29, 2008

Melancholy and melanin...

Melancholy (n): deep and long lasting sadness
Melancholic (adj): sad or depressed

This word is derived from the Greek root “melas” which means “black” and “kholia” which means "bile". The Greeks believed that four fluids (or humors) (blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm) controlled the health and mood of the human body. The humor “black bile” was supposed to be secreted by kidneys and spleen and its presence in excess was supposed to be the cause of sadness.

No matter how hard he tried, he was not able to hide his melancholy.

Another word derived from the same root which is familiar to us because of the TV commercials (Those sun screen lotion “wale” advertisements). The word is melanin.

Melanin (N): a dark pigment in the hair and the skin which is responsible for the tanning of the skin exposed to sunlight.

Melanoma is a form of skin cancer which develops in the cells that produce melanin.

Melanoma further can be can be split up as (melas = black + oma =disease or morbidity)


1 comment:

Bipin. said...

Guys dump ur barrons n likes...
This guy is much better!!

Nicely done buddy...
keep walking...
