Saturday, October 20, 2007

Cornucopia and copious...

Cornucopia (N): Horn overflowing with fruit and grain; symbol of abundance. The horn of the goat that suckled Zeus (Chief god of ancient Greeks) and which broke of and became filled with fruit. It is said that the horn was able to provide whatever is desired such as fruit flowers, grain. Thus the word can be broken as “Cornu” meaning “horn” and “Copia” meaning “abundance, plenty”.

Example: He was a cornucopia of information, ask him anything and he will provide you with information on that subject and that too more than what you can handle.

Synonyms: Abundance, profusion.
Antonyms: Scarcity, dearth, paucity.

Copious (Adj): abundant, plentiful, ample, generous, lavish, liberal, luxuriant, and abounding. As we know Copia means abundance, plenty.


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