Saturday, October 20, 2007

Cloister and claustrophobia...

Cloister (N): A place of religious exclusion, Monastery, convent.This comes from the root “claudere” which means to close .The word is derived from idea of a “claustrum” meaning an enclosed space. The connection is such that the people living in these cloisters are shut away from our world so that they can achieve their spiritual goals, akin to our “sadhus” who move to “Himalayas” for the same.From the same root comes another word.

Claustrophobia (N): Fear of confined places, Fear of being locked in.It can be hacked as claustrum + phobia. Claustrum we already know and phobia means an abnormal fear of some particular thing.

Following words also come from the same root:
Preclude (Make impossible)


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